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Themes in Aliveforms

Aliveforms theme editor provide easy way to setup different parameters of themes. It also provides CSS section to provide css.

Using colors and gradients

In Aliveforms, colors values css values. They can be #ffccff88 or gradient codes like linear-gradient(red, yellow, green)

Theme parameters

In Aliveforms, a theme has following sections

  • Background
  • Stage
  • Elements
  • Fonts
  • Colors

Theme Parameters Background

Background Image

This is the background image of form. Aliveforms provides several images. User can use own images from gallery too.

Background Style

It can be one of following.

  • Tiled
  • Cover


Stage is the area where most form content is shown.

Blur Background (px)

It is numeric value between 0 to 12. It blurs background area of stage.


The stage can have shadows. In drop down, it has following options

  • Normal
  • No
  • Small
  • Large

Next Button Text

This is text shown on button that loads next question. Default value is Next

Back Button Text

This is text shown on button that loads previous question. Default value is Back.

Submit Button Text

This is text shown on button on submit screen that submits the form. Default value is Submit.

Rounding (px)

That sets roundness of elements like options, buttons etc.

Completion Indicator Style

At the top, there is completion indicator style. This setting sets how that indicator will be shown. It's options are:

  • No
  • Text
  • Progress
  • Both

Timer Style

In screens where are timers active, this setting sets how timer is shown.

  • No
  • Text
  • Progress
  • Both

Heading Font

This is the font used in title of questions.

Normal Font

This is the font displayed in other places, like buttons, badges, options.


In Aliveforms, most background colors can be hex/rgba or gradient.

Background Color

This is the background color of form. it can be solid color, gradient or transparent color. e.g. #ff00ff87, linear-gradient(red, yellow, green)

If transparent, it gives tint on background image if used.

Foreground Color

That is color of the form body or text appeared that is not in options, button or badges.

Stage Background Color

This is the background color of stage. It is good to have it semi transparent. It can be transparent of alpha is 0. like ffffff00. It can be hex, rgba or gradient.

Buttons BG

This setting determines the background color of buttons. It can be single color or gradient.

Buttons FG

This setting determines the foreground color of buttons.

Badges BG

This setting determines the background color of badges. It can be single color or gradient.

Badges FG

This setting determines the foreground color of badges.

Options BG

This setting determines the background color of options. It can be single color or gradient.

Options FG

This setting determines the foreground color of options.

Options Active BG

This setting determines the background color of active options or selected option. It can be single color or gradient.

Options Active FG

This setting determines the foreground color of active or selected options.

Border Color

This setting determines the color of the border around elements in the form.

Border Active Color

This setting determines the color of the border when the element (option, text) is active.

Using CSS

In Aliveforms, it is possible to use css. Form creator can inspect elements of form, and then use CSS to modify.