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Preserve Input


The Preserve Input plugin is designed to maintain the state of form inputs across page refreshes. This functionality enhances user experience by preventing the loss of entered data and allows users to resume filling out a form without starting over.


To use the Preserve Input plugin, simply include it in your form. As users fill out the form, the plugin will automatically save the input data. If the page is refreshed, the plugin will restore the previously entered data, allowing users to continue from where they left off.


By Default this plugin doesn't require configuration. It's default behavior is to save input when page is refreshed. Stored input is cleared when form is submitted. However, it can be configure to preserve input after tab is closed and avoid clearing stored input after form is submitted by setting up custom properties on first screen with index 0.

Custom Properties

  • preserve_on_close : preserve input when tab is close.
  • preserve_on_submit : preserve input after form is submitted.

Preserving input after tab is closed

On first screen, index 0, go to Settings > Custom Props and add custom property with key preserve_on_close. Value can be anything because plugin only checks existence of key.

Preserving input after form is submitted

On first screen, index 0, go to Settings > Custom Props and add custom property with key preserve_on_submit. Value can be anything because plugin only checks existence of key.


  • Prevents the loss of form data due to page refreshes.
  • Improves user experience by enabling users to resume form filling without starting over.
  • No additional code or setup required.