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JavaScript Api

Aliveforms provides a useful JavaScript API.

Usable elements

In Aliveforms, JavaScript API has access to following elements

Element Information
input input of current screen
inputs array of all inputs of visitor
weights array of weights of screens
screen number/index of screen
uploads files uploaded by user
$ Aliveforms API Object


In Aliveforms, __boot() can be used to execute JavaScript code before first screen. It can be used to setup variables and modify theme etc.

Aliveforms API Object

The Aliveforms JavaScript API Object provides following functions.

JavaScript API
Util.Equals (a, b)
Alert (message)
Emit(title, detail);
Handle(event, function);
ChangeFlow (screen)
ChangePrevious (screen, value)
ChangeNext (screen, value)
PreviousScreen(value = null)
Multiply (screen, factor)
Add (screen, factor)
Var (varName, value = null)
ScreenCounter(value = null)
ScreenTitle (index, newTitle = null)
ScreenIndex (index = null)
ScreenOptions(index, newOptions)
ScreenPhoto (index, newPhoto = null)
OptionTitle (sc_index, op_index, newTitle = null)
OptionPhoto (sc_index, op_index, newPhoto = null)
SetStyle (variable, value)
HackForm (index = null, newData = null)
HackInputs (index = null, newData = null)
HackWeights (index = null, newData = null)
HackShowState (state = null)
HackServerResponse (responseData = null)
GetAnswers (index = null)
IsCorrect (index)
GetCorrectOptionTitle (index)
IsAnswerable (index)
SetGroup (group, value)
GetGroup (group = null)
ListGroup ()
GetDominantGroup ()
CalculatePercentage (group = null)
Fetch (url, options, callback)
Storage.session.set (id, value)
Storage.session.get (id)
Storage.session.remove (id)
ImportScript(scriptUrl, callback)
ImportStyle (scriptUrl, callback = null)
DisplayElement(param, value = null)
Query(keym, value = null)

LogInfo(title, desc)
OverrideValidation(pass = true, message = null)


Purpose Compare if two values or arrays are equal

Arguments 2, both required - primitive types or array

Returns bool


if (screen == 1) {
    if ($.Util.Equals(inputs[0], input)) {
        $.Alert('Both answers are same')


Purpose Shows a toast

Arguments 1, String

Returns none


if (screen == 1) {
    if ($.Util.Equals(inputs[0], input)) {
        $.Alert('Both answers are same')


Purpose Emit event to be listened on webpage where form is embedded via iframe.

Arguments 2, both required

  • string: title of event
  • Object: detail of event Returns none


on webpage:
const el = document.getElementById('fabCheckbox');
const iframe = document.getElementById('wapp');
window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
    console.log('message', event, event.detail);
    if (event.source === iframe.contentWindow && === 'close') {;


Purpose Registers event handler for events dispatched in Aliveforms.

Arguments 2, both required

  • string: title of event
  • callback: function to handle event

Returns none


$.Handle('screen_0_on_enter', function() {
    $.LogInfo('on_enter', 'Enter');


Purpose Changes the flow on question. Determines what question to show next.

Arguments 1, int

Returns none


// suppose options are 0: yes 1: no
if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.Alert('Changing flow');


Purpose Changes the previous question to show when back is pressed.

Arguments 2, both required ints

  • int: screen index
  • int: screen number

Returns none


// suppose options are 0: yes 1: no
if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.ChangePrevious(3, 1);


Purpose Changes the next question to show when back is pressed. It is different from ChangeFlow as it alters permanent value of default next screen.

Arguments 2, both required ints

  • int: screen index
  • int: screen number

Returns none


// suppose options are 0: yes 1: no
if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.ChangeNext(3, 1);


Purpose Sets or Returns the index of previous screen. If no argument is provided, returns the index of previous screen. If argument is provided, it sets the value of previous screen. Useful in implementing conditional branching and checking from which screen use came from.

Arguments 1, optional - value

Returns Previous Screen Index


let prev = $.GetPreviousScreen();
if (prev == 1) {
    $.Alert('Jumped from Screen 1');
} else if (prev == 2) {
    $.Alert('Jumped from Screen 2');


Purpose By default, Aliveforms logic run only when next button is clicked. When this function is called with true, logics also execute on back button click. Can be run on any screen however, must be run on -1 or __boot()

Arguments 1, boolean

Returns none


if (screen == -1) {


Works only with Analytical Forms

Purpose Multiples the weight of screen with a number.

Arguments 2, both required

  • integer: screen number
  • number: factor

Returns result


if (screen == 2) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.Multiply(1, screen * 10);


Works only with Analytical Forms

Purpose Adds to the weight of screen with a number.

Arguments 2, both required

  • integer: screen number
  • number: factor

Returns result


if (screen == 2) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.Add(1, screen * 10);


Purpose Returns the value of variable if 2nd argument is not provided else defines a variable with can be used in title and messages with [[VAR.NAME]].

Arguments 2, 1 required - 1 optional

  • string: Variable Name
  • any: Variable value (optional)

Returns Values of variable if 2nd argument is not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.Var('factor', 1.5);


Purpose Sets the value of counter - the number shown before title of screen. It is useful if form data is set using loop.

Arguments 1, optional

  • int: counter number

Returns Value of counter no argument is passed




Purpose Returns the screen title if 2nd argument is not provided else sets title of screen number.

Arguments 2, 1 required - 1 optional

  • int: Screen number
  • string: Screen title (optional)

Returns Title of screen if 2nd argument is not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        $.ScreenTitle(2, 'Welcome with Yes');
    } else {
        $.ScreenTitle(2, 'Welcome with No');


Purpose Programmatically change screen or get the index of current screen.

Arguments 1 optional

  • int: Screen number

Returns Index of screen if argument is not provided.


btn.addEventListener('click', function() {


Purpose Returns the options of mcq screen if 2nd argument is not provided else sets options of provided screen index.

Arguments 2, 1 required - 1 optional

  • int: Screen number
  • array of objects: Screen options (optional)

option object can have following properties

t: title p: url of photo

Returns options of screen if 2nd argument is not provided.


let options = [{t: "Hello"}, {t: "World"}]
$.ScreenOptions(2, options)


Purpose Returns the screen photo url if 2nd argument is not provided else sets the photo of screen number.

Arguments 2, 1 required - 1 optional

  • int: Screen number
  • string: url of photo (optional)

Returns Url of photo if 2nd argument is not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        $.ScreenPhoto(2, 'https://example_image/yes.png');
    } else {
        $.ScreenPhoto(2, 'https://example_image/no.png');


Purpose Returns the title of option of screen if 3rd argument is not provided else sets the title of options of screen number.

Arguments 3, 2 required - 1 optional

  • int: Screen number
  • int: Option Number
  • string: title (optional)

Returns title of option of screen if 3rd argument is not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        $.OptionTitle(2, 0, 'Yes Again');


Purpose Returns the url photo of option of screen if 3rd argument is not provided else sets the photo of options of screen number.

Arguments 3, 2 required - 1 optional

  • int: Screen number
  • int: Option Number
  • string: url of photo (optional)

Returns url of option of screen if 3rd argument is not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        $.OptionPhoto(2, 0, 'https://example_image/no.png');


Purpose Returns reference to timer (interval). Useful to handle intervals. Check example.

Arguments none.




Purpose Set CSS variable values

Arguments 2, both required

string: variable string: value

Returns none

List of variables























__boot() {
    $.SetStyle("stage-blur", "4px");
    $.SetStyle("primary-bg", "#fff");


Purpose Returns the javascript object screen or sets the value of javascript object. if second argument is null, it returns the value, otherwise it sets the value.

Arguments 2, bot optional

  • int: Screen number
  • object: Option Number

Returns javascript object of screen of screen if 2nd argument is not provided. javascript object of form of screen if first argument is also not provided.


if (screen == 0) {
    if (input == 0) {
        const frm = $.HackForm(1);
        frm.t = "Hello";
        $.HackForm(1, frm);


Purpose Returns the user inputs if 2nd argument is not provided else sets the inputs of screen number if first argument is provided, else changes all inputs.

Arguments 2, optional

  • int: Screen number
  • any: input

Returns input of screen if 2nd argument is not provided or complete inputs array of screen if first argument is also not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        $.HackInputs(0, 1)

if (screen == 2) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.HackInputs(1, [0,1])

$.HackInputs(null, [0, 1, "Test", [0,1]])


Purpose Returns the weights/scores if 2rd argument is not provided else sets the weights/scores of screen number if first argument is provided, else changes all weights/scores.

Arguments 2, optional

  • int: Screen number
  • any: input

Returns weight/score of screen if 2nd argument is not provided. complete weight/scores array of screen if first argument is also not provided.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        $.HackWeights(0, 10)

if (screen == 2) {
    if (input == 1) {
        $.HackWeights(1, 20)


Purpose Returns or set form state. Very advanced thing.

Arguments 1, optional "form"|"wait"|"done"

Returns If no argument is provided, then it returns current form state.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000)


Purpose Returns or set server response. Can be used to emulate server response for non-submitting forms/apps in combination with $.HackShowState. Very advanced thing.

Arguments 1, optional

object: {
    t: title,
    p: photo,
    lo: layout

Returns If no argument is provided, then it returns current form state.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
            t: title,
            p: photo,
            lo: layout
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000)


Works only with score based forms having option 'load solution' enabled

Purpose Returns keys of correct answers. It is array of indices of correct options or text

Arguments none

Returns none


var answers;

__boot() {
    answers = $.GetAnswers();

// on result 

$.Define('MSG', JSON.stringify(answers));

// use this in message

Answers: [[VAR.MSG]]


Purpose Get number of options in screen with give index. Then can be used with OptionTitle

Arguments int : screen index Returns int : number of options


var optCount = $.GetOptionsCount(1);

let title = [];
for (let i = 0; i < optCount; i++) {
    title = [...title, $.OptionTitle(0, i)];

console.log('titles:', title.join(','))


Works only with score based forms having option 'load solution' enabled


Check if answer of screen is correct. Arguments 1, required

  • int: index of screen

Returns bool


if (screen == 1) {
    if ($.IsCorrect(screen)) {


Works only with score based forms having option 'load solution' enabled

Purpose Returns title of correct options

Arguments 1, required

  • int: index of screen

Returns string of correct option title.


if (screen == 1) {
    if ($.IsCorrect(screen)) {
    } else {


Works only with score based forms

Purpose Checks if screen is answerable or not, i.e. it is list or option or text with answerable enabled.

Arguments 1, required

  • int: index of screen

Returns bool


if (screen == 1) {
    if ($.IsAnswerable(screen)) {
        // Do Something


Purpose Sets values of group.

Arguments 2, both required

  • string: Group name
  • numeric: value

Returns none


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
      $.SetGroup('A', $.GetGroup('A') + 10);


Purpose Returns the value of group Arguments 1, required

  • string: name of group

Returns value of group.


if (screen == 1) {
    if (input == 0) {
      $.SetGroup('A', $.GetGroup('A') + 10);


Purpose Returns array of names of assigned groups.

Arguments None

Returns Array of strings


var groups = $.ListGroups();


Purpose Returns the group with highest value,

Arguments none

Returns string


const group = $.GetDominantGroup();
$.Alert(`Your group is ${group}`);


Purpose Returns percentage of groups.

Arguments 1, optional

  • string: name of group

Returns Array if group is not provided. Number if group is provided.


const groupA= $.CalculatePercentage('A');
const groupB= $.CalculatePercentage('B');
$.Alert(`Your group A is ${groupA}% and B is ${groupB}%`);


Purpose A wrapper around JavaScript fetch api. Arguments 2, required

  • string: url
  • object: options
  • function: callback


$.Fetch('https://.../json', {}, async function(res) {
    let x = await res.json();


Purpose Get value of variable stored in session storage.

Arguments 1, required

  • string: key

Returns any - value of key


var time = $.Storage.session.get('time');
if (!time) {
    time = $.Storage.session.set('time', 'Good Time');

if (screen == 1) {
    $.Alert(`Time is ${time}`);


Purpose Sets value of variable in session storage.

Arguments 2, both required

  • string: key
  • any: value

Returns none


var time = $.Storage.session.get('time');
if (!time) {
    time = $.Storage.session.set('time', 'Good Time');

if (screen == 1) {
    $.Alert(`Time is ${time}`);


Purpose Removes value stored in session storage.

Arguments 1, required

  • string: key

Returns none


var time = $.Storage.session.get('time');
if (!time) {
    time = $.Storage.session.set('time', 'Good Time');

if (screen == 1) {
    $.Alert(`Time is ${time}`);


Purpose Import JavaScript

Arguments 2, both required

  • string: url
  • callback: function to run when script loads Returns none


$.ImportScript('', function() {
    if (typeof tsParticles !== "undefined") {
      (async () => {
        await tsParticles.load("tsparticles", {
          preset: 'firefly',
    } else {
      console.error("tsParticles library is not available.");


Purpose Import CSS stylesheet.

Arguments 2, both

  • string: url
  • callback: function to run when stylesheet loads

Returns none


$.ImportStyle('', function() {


Purpose Show or hide element of form

INDEX : boolean
REQ_BADGE : boolean
KEYBOARD : boolean
PROGRESS : boolean
NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT: string (Default: "Next")
BACK_BUTTON_TEXT: string (Default: "Back")
SUBMIT_BUTTON_TEXT: string (Default: "Submit")
ERROR_CLASSES: string (Default: "bg-danger text-white")

Arguments 2, both required

  • string: element
  • boolean|string: true to show, false to hide, string for value if requires.

In case of ERROR_CLASSES, Bootstrap classes can be used or classes from imported css or own theme's css.

Returns none


$.DisplayElement('INDEX', false)


Purpose Emulate Next button pressing in logic.

Arguments none Returns none




Purpose Emulate Back button pressing in logic.

Arguments none Returns none




Purpose Parses the provided string as aliveforms strings and returns parsed string.

Arguments 1, required

  • string: element

Returns string


$.SetTitle (1, $.ParseString("Hi [[SCREEN.0]]"))


Purpose Registers uncaught error handler.

Arguments none

Returns none




Purpose Resets all inputs to initial state. Can be used by copying inputs in a variable and then call this to reset inputs and then on specific screens, copy inputs back by using $.HackInputs

Arguments none

Returns none


let inps = $.HackInputs();

for (let i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
    $.HackInputs(i, inps[i]);


Purpose Unlocks actions buttons.

Arguments none

Returns none




Purpose Add entry in logs side bar

Arguments 2, required

  • string: title
  • string: description

Returns none


$.LogInfo ("Info", "This is information")


Purpose Override validation behavior with a behavior. Useful in implementing custom validations using plugins or own logic.

Arguments 2, required

  • boolean: Override validation
  • string: Error Message

Returns none


$.Handle(`screen_0_on_next_pre`, function() {
    if (inputs[0] == 'test') {
        $.OverrideValidation (false, "You cannot use this name.");


Purpose Sets of Gets value of query string in current url.

Arguments key: string value: string, optionals

Returns query string value if value argument is not provided.


let q = $.Query('item');