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Anatomy of Logic Units in Aliveforms

At it's core, a logic unit is composed of conditions.


Conditions are building blocks of logic unit. A condition can have 2 parts.

  1. Logic setup: input, operator, values to match
  2. Logic actions or script

Logic Setup

Logic setup in condition has 3 items

  1. Input
  2. Operation
  3. Value to Match


Actions are performed when condition in setup is matched. Depending upon logic type, there are different actions. Some actions may not work on different types of forms.


Input and Operations are different depending upon type of logic (client side/server side).


It can be score of screen, input of screen or script etc. Read what Inputs are available for Client Side Logics and Server Side Logics

Screen Indexes

Condition can be applied on multiple screens. Screen index can be provided either by typing or by clicking helper if form is selected. it can be:

  • a number like 0 or 1 or -1
  • a list 0,1,3
  • a special variable like ALL or Result

Boot Screen

In Aliveforms, index -1 is called boot index. logic added


It is the operator performed on input. Read what Operations are available for Client Side Logics and Server Side Logics

Value to Match

The format of value to match is very important.

  • If the value to match is number, write it like 10
  • If the value to match is string, write it like "Name"
  • If the value to match is list, write it like ["Name", 10]


Actions are performed when condition is fulfilled.


Aliveforms has input type for scripting. For client side, it supports JavaScript and for server side, it supports PHP.

These allow user to enter JavaScript and PHP code.


It can be used only on client. Select input JavaScript Read More about JavaScript API


It can be used only on server. Select input PHP Read More about PHP API